Thursday, February 27, 2020

Mickey's Not So Scary is now not so cheap...

Tickets are now on sale for Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party and the prices are higher than last this a shock to anyone? With all the growth Disney has seen these last few years they have raised their prices on pretty much everything to offset the cost. 
The party is starting earlier as well....mid August to be exact. However, as long as people pay these elevated prices Disney will continue to charge as much as they can.  The only way I see this ending is for people to say enough is enough and stop going into massive debt to experience the "Magic."

Here are the prices for this years event...
(Credit: Theme Park Tourist)

  • August 18, 25, September 1, 7, 13, 15, 20: $85 per adult, $80 for children 3-9 ($79 adult last year)
  • September 25, 27, 29 : $95 per adult, $90 for children 3-9
  • October 1, $99 per adult, $94 for children 3-9
  • October 2, 4, 6, 8, : $109 per adult, $104 for children 3-9
  • October 9, $119 per adult, $114 for children 3-9
  • October 12, 13, 15 18, 20, 22,: $115 per adult, $110 for children 3-9
  • October 16,  23, 25, 27, 29 and November 1:  $125 per adult, $120 for children 3-9
  • October 31: $149 per adult, $144 for children 3-9 ($135 adults last year)

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